Downtown Parking
Several parking options are available for people doing business or working in Downtown Salmon Arm. In general, you'll find easy access to free parking (PDF) close to businesses and services downtown as well, affordable all-day parking is located on the downtown perimeter. Please find the Downtown Parking Plan Report that identifies the future parking strategy for the area.
On Street Non-Metered Parking
- Intended use: to provide short term convenient customer parking for easy access to businesses and services
- Maximum time: 2 hours
- Except for Alexander Street from the Trans Canada Highway to Lakeshore Drive which is maximum 1 hour.
- Locations: all main streets in the downtown core
- Cost: free
- Monday to Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Metered Parking
- Intended use: to provide parking for people working downtown who need flexible time parking (such as staff working short shifts) or those who need to remain parked beyond allowable one or two hours free parking
- Locations: perimeter of downtown
- Time permitted: 1 hour to 10 hours
- Cost: $1.00 per hour
- Monday to Saturday - 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Debit, Credit and Coins accepted
Post Office
- Intended use: to provide very short term access in order to use postal services
- Location: in front of the Post Office on Hudson Avenue NE
- Maximum time: 15 minutes
Metered Parking 2 Avenue NE
- Time permitted: 1 hour to 10 hours
- Cost: $1.00 per hour
- Monday to Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Debit, Credit and Coins accepted
Parking Lots
Inner Core
- Intended use: to provide day use parking as well and reserved monthly parking
- Maximum time: 10 hours
- Cost: $1.00 per hour
- Monday to Saturday - 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Limited number of monthly reserved parking stalls:
- 49 Individual stalls ($60/month)
- Also has hourly parking
- Arranged through City Hall - 250.803.4000
4 Street NE / 6 Street NE / Firehall #3
- Intended use: Regular monthly
- Monthly reserved parking
- 4 Street NE: 15 Individual Stalls ($60/month) + 15 Decal Stalls ($50/month)
- 4 Street NE Lower: 13 Individual Stalls ($60/month)
- 4 Street NE Upper: 13 Individual Stalls ($60/month)
- 6 Street NE: 12 Decal Stalls ($50/month)
- Fire Hall #3: No Reserved Parking (also has hourly parking)
- Arranged through City Hall - 250.803.4000
Marine Park (NE Parking Lot)
- Intended use: to provide day use parking
- Maximum time: 10 hours
- Cost: $1.00 per hour
- Debit, Credit and Coins accepted
- Monday to Saturday - 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Hudson Avenue NW (Salmar Grand Theatre)
- Intended use: to provide long term day use parking, regular monthly, and some personalized monthly stalls (limited in number) available and to provide short term convenient "customer" parking for easy access to businesses and services or where additional time is needed (for appointments or those making multiple stops downtown) – also accommodates larger recreational vehicles
- Maximum time: 10 hours
- Cost: $1.00 per hour
- Monday to Saturday- 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Debit, Credit and Coins accepted
- Limited number of monthly reserved parking stalls:
- 27 Individual Stalls ($60/month) and 19 Decal Stalls ($50/month)
- Arranged through City Hall - 250.803.4000
5 Street SE Lot
- Intended use: Regular monthly
- Free evenings and weekends
Ross Street / C2 Lot (TCH) / City Hall (Back Lot) / Salmar Lot (South portion of Legion Parking Lot)
- Intended use: to provide short term convenient "customer" parking for easy access to businesses and services or where additional time is needed (for appointments or those making multiple stops downtown).
- Free parking, two-hour maximum
- Monday to Saturday - 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Parking Violation Payment
If you receive a parking violation ticket, there are a few options for payment:
- Early Pay Incentive Program:
- Salmon Arm offers an early pay option for most parking fines. By paying within 2 business days, you would save 50% of the original fine amount. A $50 ticket is reduced to $25 under this program.
- If you don’t take advantage of the early payment option as indicated on your parking ticket/bylaw violation notice, the full specified penalty amount indicated on your parking ticket/bylaw violation notice will apply.
- Please note that tickets issued for ‘Unauthorized Parking in Accessible Stall’ are not included in the early pay incentive program, and the fine amount is a constant $100.
- In person at City Hall:
- 500 2 AVENUE NE
- Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
- We accept cash, debit, or cheque
- Or after hours & weekends:
- Drop box at City Hall main entrance
- Include ticket with payment
- Mail cheque and parking ticket to:
- Online payment instructions:
- Login to your online banking
- Payee search "Salmon Arm"
- Choose "Property Taxes"
- Account Number - Enter 99999999
- Submit payment
- Email and include:
- Parking ticket #
- Your name
- Name of your bank
- Amount paid
- Questions? Call us at 250.803.4000
If you would like to dispute a Parking Violation Ticket:
- A dispute form can be obtained from the City of Salmon Arm located at 500 2 Avenue NE
If your vehicle has been towed, please contact Ben's Towing at 250.832.6512.