Climate Action

TestAnnual Climate Action ProjectsUntitled

2023 Projects:

  • "Lose the Lawn" - Rewilding Your Yard | ShuswapClimate
  • Wildfire Fuel Load Management (Little Mountain Treatment)
  • Road painting for bike lanes – 20 Street NE project
  • Completion of Ross Street Underpass – May 2023
  • City Hall - LED lighting conversions
  • 2023 Sidewalk projects: 1.1 km new sidewalk, 80 km maintained
  • 2023 Greenway Projects: 230 m new trails created, 230 m repaired, 43,790 m maintained
  • 2023 South Canoe Gazebo installed

2022 Projects:

  • Water Conservation initiatives - water restriction review
  • Peoples Corner upgrade; removing concrete ‘park’; placing grass, trees and plantings;
  • BC Hydro Community ReGreening grant program (new and replacement park trees);
  • Sidewalk projects including Okanagan Avenue Sidewalk Extension (30-31 St SE) - (790m sidewalk/multiuse path: 370 m replacement and 420 m new, 75.6 km sidewalks and paths maintained);
  • Greenways enhancements (4,400 m new trails created, 600 m repaired, 43,790 m maintained);
  • Wildfire Fuel Load Management (Little Mountain treatment project);
  • Public Works Building Renovation & Addition: heating, cooling, lighting upgrades;
  • Active Transportation Network Plan adopted.
  • Roof Replacement at the Shaw Centre;
  • Shaw Centre motor replacement;
  • SASCU Recreation Centre roof replacement; and
  • Polar Energy plan projects at the Shaw Centre (ice plant efficiency)

2021 Projects:

  • Water Conservation Policy and Plan;
  • BC Hydro Community ReGreening grant program (new and replacement park trees);
  • Greenway network enhancement (800 m new trails created, 280 m repaired, 43,490 maintained);
  • Various sidewalk replacement projects (960m of sidewalk/multi-use path constructed/replaced);
  • EV vehicle purchased for Bylaw Department (Hyundai Kona);
  • Charge station installed at City Hall (Staff use only); and
  • Wildfire Fuel Load Management (Little Mountain Park).

2020 Projects:

  • Hybrid fleet vehicle (1 additional vehicle purchased);
  • Art Gallery Solar Infrastructure installation (late 2019 / early 2020);
  • Active Transportation Task Force formed;
  • Tree Planting – 50 trees with Naturalist Society (2020);
  • Wildfire Fuel Load Management (South Canoe / Little Mountain projects - 2020);
  • Community Energy and Emissions Plan (2020);
  • Community Energy Association membership;
  • Efficiency upgrade: replacement of Shaw Centre arena chillers (2020);
  • Sidewalk install (50 m by City and 367 m through development); and
  • Greenway network enhancement (2,800 m new trails created).

2019 Projects

  • Tree planting – 14 trees planted under Tree Canada Grant;Solar
  • Solar project feasibility study;
  • Art Gallery Solar Infrastructure installation (late 2019);
  • Hybrid fleet vehicles (2 additional vehicles purchased);
  • Public Works Shop LED lighting project (Phase 1 - 2019);
  • Hudson Street LED street lighting conversion;
  • Initiated the Organic Waste Diversion program (July 2019);
  • Wildfire mitigation planning;
  • Residential yard waste pick-up (bi-annual);
  • Sidewalk install (77 m by City and 552 m through development); and
  • Greenway network enhancement (7,894 m new trails created).

 2018 Projects 

  • Efficient Arena Flood Technology;Hybrid Veh.
  • Hybrid fleet vehicles (2 purchased);
  • Tree planting - BC Hydro Re-Greening Program (urban area & Blackburn Park);
  • Residential yard waste pick-up (bi-annual);
  • Sidewalk install (509 m by City and 761 through development); and
  • Greenway network enhancement (2,579 m new trails created).

 2017 Projects 

  • Refrigeration upgrades at Shaw Centre Arena;
  • Pool pump upgrade (variable frequency drive);
  • Civic building/City Hall atrium LED lighting upgrades;
  •  Airport LED lighting project (south);
  • Residential yard waste pick-up (bi-annual);
  • Blackburn Park improvements (life trail);
  • Sidewalk install (520 m by City);
  • New Canoe Beach Crosswalk installed;
  • Bicycle Route enhancement (1 km of sharrow painting); and
  • Greenway network enhancement (7,775 m new trails created).

 2016 Projects

  • Hucul Pond Arena LED lighting installation;
  • Sidewalk install (1240 m by City and 1788 m through development);
  • LED street lighting project (Jackson street revitalization);
  • Residential yard waste pick-up (bi-annual);
  • Residential food waste pick-up pilot project (2016); and
  • Greenway network enhancement (3,808 m new trails created).

 2015 Projects 

  • Sanitary upgrade 75 Avenue NE - gravity sewer allowed pump station removal;
  • Sidewalk install (approximately 30 m by City and 990 m through development);
  • Yard waste pick-up (bi-annual);
  • Greenway network enhancement (1,978 m new trails created);
  • Electric vehicle charging station installed in collaboration with BC Hydro; and
  • SASCU Recreation Centre LED lighting installed.

 2014 Projects 

  • Sanitary Upgrade 75 Avenue NE - gravity sewer allowed pump station removal;
  • 11 Ave sidewalk (Broadview Villa to 30 Street NE) – approximately 55m;
  • Yard waste pick-up (11.5 metric tonnes collected for composting); and
  • Shaw Centre LED lighting upgrades ($85,000 from Climate Action Reserve fund).

 2013 Projects 

  • Boiler replacement at the SASCU Recreation Centre; 
  • Construction of approximately 395 lineal metres of new sidewalks;
  • SRS exterior light LED replacement; and
  • Greenway projects.

 2012 Projects 

  • RCMP Boiler replacement;
  • Public Works Building window replacement;
  • SRS Electric Ice edger purchased (replacing propane edger);
  • SRS 3 pump motor efficiency replacements;
  • SRS wading heat exchanger replacement;
  • Solar crosswalk signal installation; and 
  • Sidewalk and Greenway projects.

 2011 Projects

  • Anti-Idling Policy adopted; 
  • Energy Efficiency Monitoring software installed at Sunwave Centre;
  • 150 trees planted – tree planting project (trees for tomorrow);
  • GHG emissions tracking initiated;
  • Curbside recycling program implemented; and 
  • Sidewalk and Greenway projects. 

FCM-ICLEI’s Partners for Climate Protection Program

City of Salmon Arm’s Corporate Milestone 1 Report

Climate Action Reporting

Local Government Climate Action Program (LGCAP) replaced the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP).

       2023 LGCAP
2015 CARIP
2014 CARIP
2013 CARIP
2012 CARIP
2011 CARIP
2010 CARIP