Water Restrictions

Current Restriction: STAGE 1 - Effective September 16, 2024

Water Restrictions Stage 1 Sign

For stage change updates watch for these signs posted around the City, check this web page or sign-up for Notify Me alerts.

View the info sheet (pdf) for details as to what is permitted in each stage. Paper copies are available at City Hall.

Browse Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

The City has implemented multi-stage water restrictions for outdoor water use to better manage water demand and ensure sufficient supply during summer months and more severe drought conditions.

These restrictions apply to all properties in Salmon Arm (residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, farm, etc.) that use City water. They permit outdoor water use on designated days of the week based on the last two numbers of the street address and the current restriction stage, as follows:

Water Use Schedule *
Stage 1  
(3 days/week)
Stage 2  
(2 days/week)
Stage 3  
(1 day/week)
Stage 4  
(Not permitted)
Group A (00 - 33)
Sun, Tues, Fri
Tues, Fri
Group B (34 - 66)
Mon, Wed, Sat
Wed, Sat
Group C (67 - 99)
Sun, Tues, Thurs
Sun, Thurs

* Numbers in parenthesis are the last 2 digits of the street address. Stratas and mobile home parks (MHP) are to use the street address, not the unit address (I.E. the entire strata or MHP will share watering days).

On designated days, outdoor water use is allowed for a MAXIMUM of 2 HOURS with the following conditions:
  • Irrigation is NOT PERMITTED between 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM, to minimize water loss by evaporation.
  • The preferred time for automatic irrigation systems is 12:00 AM to 7:00 AM, to reduce peak demand.
There are some exceptions to these conditions, especially pertaining to food production. Details regarding the types, frequencies and duration of water use allowed in each stage can be found on the water restrictions information sheet (pdf) .

  • Lawns typically need 1” to 1.5” of water per week to promote deeper root growth and improve drought-tolerance. Stage 1 and 2 restrictions permit irrigation more than one day per week, however this is for flexibility and does not mean your lawn needs to be watered this frequently. One good weekly watering and/or rainfall is sufficient. Too much water can lead to an unhealthy lawn.
  • Install a rain sensor on your automatic sprinkler to avoid watering when there has been sufficient rainfall. For manual systems, use a rain gauge to measure watering depth.
  • Permits are required to water new lawns more frequently. These are only granted in Stages 1 and 2.
  • Got too much lawn to water and maintain? Look at replacing it with xeriscaping alternatives to save time, money and most importantly, conserve water!
  • City water must NOT be used to irrigate parcels of land in excess of 1/2 acre (0.2 hectares) in size, including properties with farm status.
  • The use of an open pipe or hose (i.e. without the use of a self-closing nozzle) for irrigation or washing of vehicles, boats or property is prohibited.

Stage 1 is in effect year-round and other stages will be activated when required, depending on environmental conditions, capacity of the water supply system and demand on the system.

Stage changes will be will be communicated via Water Restrictions signs posted around the City and through the City's website, social media, local newspapers and radio. Use Notify Me to set-up an email and/or text alert for water restriction stage changes, under the Alert Center section.

Your co-operation with adhering to these restrictions is greatly appreciated. Please conserve water wherever possible. Failure to comply with these restrictions may result in a fine of $50 to $500, depending on the stage.

  • Stage 1:   $50
  • Stage 2:   $100
  • Stage 3:   $250
  • Stage 4:   $500

Visit our Water Conservation page for more information on how to conserve water.

For or any other questions or to report an infraction please contact City Hall at 250.803.4000 or email info@salmonarm.ca

Pertinent bylaws: