Council Committees

See the 2025 Council Committee Meeting Schedule (pdf)

Active Transportation Advisory Committee – Councillor Lavery

The purpose of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC) (PDF) is to provide advice and recommendations to Salmon Arm Council with a focus on implementing the City’s Active Transportation Network Plan. 

Agricultural Advisory Committee – Councillor Gonella

The purpose of the Committee (PDF) is to act as an advisory body and resource group to City Council on agricultural matters including applications to the Agricultural Land Commission, amendments to the Official Community Plan, major development proposals and water management issues with potential impact on agriculture. 

Community Heritage Commission – Councillor Gonella

The Community Heritage Commission (PDF) has been established to advise Council in respect of heritage conservation and to undertake and support activities that promote and assist in the conservation of the heritage of the City of Salmon Arm. 

Downtown Parking Commission – Councillor Cannon

The Commission (PDF) has been established to assess parking situations in the downtown area and to develop a parking strategy and management plan to meet current and future parking needs.

Environmental Advisory Committee – Councillor Lindgren

This Committee (PDF) acts as an advisory and resource group to Council and Administration regarding ways to protect, maintain and enhance the natural environment in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental section of the City’s Official Community Plan.

Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel - All Council

The mandate of this panel is to review and authenticate the City's Parcel Tax Roll yearly.

Public Art Advisory Committee - Councillor Wallace Richmond

The role of the City of Salmon Arm Public Art Advisory Committee (PDF) is to provide advice and recommendations to Council on issues associated with public art in the City of Salmon Arm.

Greenways Liaison Committee – Councillor Lavery

The mandate of this Committee (PDF) is to utilize the knowledge and resources of the City to coordinate new greenway projects, to make recommendations regarding outdoor recreation, alternative transportation opportunities and to promote the implementation of the Greenways Strategy within the City. 

Social Impact Advisory Committee – Councillor Wallace Richmond

The Committee (PDF) will advise and make recommendations to Council on policies, priorities, new initiatives and direction to maintain and improve the social well being of all citizens through a) the provision of the City’s core services and b) community services which are supported by the City.

Shuswap Regional Airport Operations Committee – Councillor Wallace Richmond 

This Committee (PDF) provides airport tenants and City employees a process for impacting safety and efficiency for airport operations and to make recommendations to Council on safety and policy issues affecting the operation of the Airport. 

Shuswap Regional Airport Commission – Councillor Wallace Richmond

This Commission (PDF) was formed with the Columbia Shuswap Regional District to facilitate a cost sharing process for annual operating costs of the Airport. The Commission reviews and approves the annual operating budget, estimates revenues and expenditures and prepares recommendations to Council and the Board of the CSRD.