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The current Noise Prevention Bylaw allows for construction noise between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.In July 2024 Council received an email from a local construction company, asking Council to consider altering the hours when construction noise is allowed. This was related to concerns about hot days in the summer when temperatures can be very high, making it very uncomfortable or even unsafe to work outside on construction sites. The request was to allow construction to start earlier to let more work be done prior to the very hot hours in the afternoon. City staff did consult with local development and building industry representatives, who indicated support for considering a change.While no changes have been made to the Noise Prevention Bylaw, the City is asking the community their opinions on the following proposed change:To allow construction noise between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. between June 1 and August 31 each year (i.e. for construction to be allowed to start one (1) hour earlier than currently allowed, for the summer months).
This survey will be open until March 31. Once the results have been received, they will be communicated to Council, who will then make a decision about whether or not to proceed with any changes to the Noise Prevention Bylaw. If any changes were to be made, then these will be piloted over the summer of 2025, and then reviewed by Council in the Fall to determine if any changes should then become permanent.If you have any questions, please contact Gary Buxton at or 250.803. 4015.
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