Metered properties are invoiced for water and sewer on a bi-monthly basis. Metered Water and Sewer Rates are based on a fixed rate (dependent on size of meter) plus consumption of cubic meters (m3).
To avoid a 10% penalty, payments must be received by the due dates as outlined below:
Bi-Monthly Billing Periods Invoice Date and Due Date*
- January / February Invoiced in March due April 15
- March / April Invoiced in May due June 15
- May /June Invoiced in July due August 15
- July / August Invoiced in September due October 15
- September / October Invoiced in November due December 15
- November / December Invoiced in January due February 15
*Where the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date will be extended to the next working day.
Water and sewer invoices unpaid at December 31st will be transferred to arrears taxes on January 1st of the following year. For information on the payment methods available please refer to Payment Options.
Popular Links & Downloads
Water and Sewer Rate Bylaw (PDF)