Water System

Water System


The municipal water system consists of two main raw water sources: Shuswap Lake (85%) and East Canoe Creek (15%), chlorine treatment systems for these and an extensive water pumping, distribution, and storage system. There is also a minor water supply from Rumball Creek for irrigation at the Mt. Ida Cemetery. The water supply consistently meets the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines, BC Drinking Water Protection Act and the Safe Drinking Water Regulations.

Shuswap Water Source

The Shuswap Lake water source has a new water treatment plant that meets the Interior Health Authority water treatment objective for 4-log (99.99 percent) inactivation and/or removal of viruses, 3-log (99.9 percent) inactivation and/or removal of Giardia and Cryptosporidia, dual treatment (eg. filtration and disinfection), <1 NTU turbidity, and 0 total or fecal coliforms.

East Canoe Creek and Rumball Creek Water Sources

The East Canoe Creek source uses chlorine as its primary disinfectant. The Rumball Creek source has no disinfection as this source is used for irrigation purposes only.

Waterworks and Distribution System

The waterworks system provides water through gravity and pump systems. The waterworks system is complex and is comprised of seven zones, 810 hydrants, six pumping stations, 14 reservoirs, and one dam, with a total storage capacity of 24,538 cubic meters and over 6,900 connections.

The distribution system includes approximately 205 km of water main, varying in diameter from 100 mm to 600 mm and servicing approximately 14,000 people. The system is designed and operated to deliver a minimum acceptable pressure of no less than 210 kilopascals (30 psi) during peak-hour demand. The maximum pressure should not exceed 625 kilopascals (90 psi).

Approximately 25% of the city's customers are on water meters. The average daily water production is 9.6 megalitres (3,500 megalitres per year) with a peak demand during the summer of 22.3 megalitres per day.

Please visit our Request Tracker to advise the city of any maintenance issues.